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东莞市幸运印花材料有限公司(Lucky printing material co., Ltd)创建于1999年。位于中国(制造名城)东莞市中南部大岭山镇和长安镇中间的107国道旁。地处经济活跃的珠三角黄金腹地,毗邻香港、澳门,地理位置优越。距常平火车站、虎门港、宝安机场、白云机场只有40分钟车程,交通十分便利。 我们公司拥有博士工程师带领的精干技术队伍和研发生产实力以及满怀豪情的销售团队,具有高度的工作责任心,敬业精神、奉献精神、带着“有印花企业就有幸运”的坚定信念,以“品牌、高质量面向世界领域和谐发展而努力奋斗”为使命,全力以赴走向更加辉煌灿烂的未来……目前公司产品畅销国内外,其质量优良,价格合理,交货及时,服务周到、待人热情。在市场上获得了广大客户的一致好评,赢得了支持与信赖!公司一贯的经营方针是“客至尊,人为本,重改进,持创新”。为了促使公司适应时代的发展,并且在日益激烈的竞争中不断成长壮大,公司全体员工期待与国内外客户真诚合作,共创辉煌。公司主要产品有:免烘的热固油墨(不含PVC);机印胶浆、泳衣胶浆、普通胶浆、热固油墨、拔染浆、龟纹浆、金葱浆、固浆、台胶等印花材料,由于公司产品众多,无法在此细列。欲知详情欢迎随时来人来电或在公司网站了解。  Lucky printing material co., Ltd was established in1999. And located in Dongguan , the south city of china , dongguan is a economically developed city in the hinterland of the Pearl River Gold Delta. It’s proximity to Hong Kong and Macau , from Chang ping Railway station Humen Port、Baoan international airport、Baiyun international airport only 40 minutes by bus . It is very easy to find us in the middle of dalingshan town and changan town . Our company has a very professional technical team which lead by Dr.-Ing and our sales teams with high pride and enthusiasm , we are in a high degree of job responsibility and professionalism、dedication . “There are printing company , there are lucky” is the faith of all staff , to make lucky printing material co., ltd as a world-renowned brand is the goal of all staff .Our products sell well at home and abroad, for its good quality、 low price、delivery on time and top service, we receive high praise and trust from our customers The company\\\'s business principle is \\\"customer supreme, people-oriented, re-improvement, holding innovation.\\\" In order to promote the development of the company to adapt to the times, and in the increasingly fierce competition in the constantly growing and expanding, the company staff look forward to sincere cooperation with domestic and international customers, create brilliant.The main products we produce : Non-heat plastisol ink (PVC free)、machine printing ink 、swimsuit printing ink、general printing ink 、plastisol ink、discharge printing ink cracking printing ink、 glitter printing ink and so on .Lucky printing materials company produces many products , if you want to get more information about us , please contact our companyTEL: 86-769-88960556 / 88960557 / 88965198 / 88965188/13790566993罗秋连FAX: 86-769-81602150or browse our company website: http://gdxy.en.alibaba.com/http://www.dgfengyu.comThank you very much.
公司名称: 东莞市幸运印花材料有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 广东/东莞市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: 热固油墨/牛仔胶浆系列/绵布胶浆系列/机印胶浆系列/泳衣胶浆系列/水性色种系列/植绒浆系列/仿烫金胶浆系列
销售的产品: 热固油墨/牛仔胶浆系列/绵布胶浆系列/机印胶浆系列/泳衣胶浆系列/水性色种系列/植绒浆系列/仿烫金胶浆系列
化工 / 涂料